Author Archive
11 Mar 2014
Thanks again to Rep. Mike McIntyre for all your support on real estate and coastal issues.
07 Mar 2014
EMC Defines “Gravel”…For Now
During the recent legislative session, N.C.G.S. 143-214.7 was amended to exclude gravel from the definition of “built-upon area” (SL2013-413, section 51 ). BASE strongly supported this legislative change as it enabled “gravel” to the considered the same way as slatted decks and swimming pools when calculating built upon area. As part of this bill, the Environmental
05 Mar 2014
US Senate Passes Flood Insurance Reform, Issue Moves to President’s Desk
On the evening of Thursday March 13, the United States Senate voted 72-22 to approve the Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act (H.R. 3370). The Senate acted quickly to pass the bill as amended by the House to avoid the need for a conference committee to reconcile any differences. The new bill further reins in and
05 Mar 2014
Jacksonville Unified Development Ordinance Nears Adoption
In 2007 the City of Jacksonville embarked on a Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) project. The project is the first comprehensive update of the city’s zoning ordinance since its adoption in 1972. After many hours of preparation, review by City staff, the appointed UDO Steering Committee, the Planning Advisory Board and the Jacksonville City Council, the
03 Mar 2014
The very important 2014 election season is in full swing. Candidate filing closed on Friday, February 28 and now we have the final list of candidates which will go before voters first at the May 6 primary and then at the general election on November 4. The 2014 election will elect candidates to a range
07 Jan 2014
StarNews Editorial: Homeowners insurance rates just went up, and insurers seek another increase
The N.C. Rate Bureau wishes you a happy new year – by seeking another increase in homeowners insurance premiums. It’s been only six months since the last increase, an average of 7 percent, took effect. Now insurers want to raise the rates again. Although the rate increase averages 25.3 percent statewide, the requested rate changes
06 Jan 2014
CALL TO ACTION – 2014 Homeowners Insurance Rate Case
The North Carolina Department of Insurance received a homeowners insurance rate filing from the N.C. Rate Bureau in the late afternoon of Friday, Jan. 3. The N.C. Rate Bureau has requested increases in our area of up to 35%, with a requested effective date of Aug. 1, 2014. In coastal North Carolina, the requested rate
23 Dec 2013
BASE is looking to fill its newly created Regulatory Affairs Director position. The Regulatory Affairs Director works as a valuable team member within the BASE Governmental Affairs program. The ideal Regulatory Affairs Director will work with BASE staff to keep abreast of political issues and provide many aspects of the research, background and technical expertise
31 Oct 2013
Bi-Partisan Legislation Introduced on Flood Insurance
Key House and Senate member have reached a bipartisan deal to delay changes to the federal flood insurance program that are raising premiums for many homeowners and require regulators to address affordability of the coverage. U.S. Senators Mary L. Landrieu, D-La., Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., Robert Menendez, D-N.J., Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., Thad Cochran, R-Miss., Heidi Heitkamp,
26 Aug 2013
McCrory Signs Regulatory Reform Bill
Breaking News: Governor Pat McCrory signed into law HB 74 Regulatory Reform Act of 2013. Below are just a few of the highlighted sections that were included in the omnibus Regulatory Reform bill that in the end should be positive for the Development and Real Estate Community. Accompanying his signature he also issued two executive orders that