CALL TO ACTION – 2014 Homeowners Insurance Rate Case
The North Carolina Department of Insurance received a homeowners insurance rate filing from the N.C. Rate Bureau in the late afternoon of Friday, Jan. 3. The N.C. Rate Bureau has requested increases in our area of up to 35%, with a requested effective date of Aug. 1, 2014.
In coastal North Carolina, the requested rate changes range from -2.7 percent to +35 percent. The insurance companies have also requested revisions to the current geographic rating territories (see graphic below). The result of the territories changing means that some areas of inland southeastern North Carolina (Territory 52B) could see a decrease in rates while other areas (Territory 8, Territory 52A) are poised for a 35% increase.
The increases proposed for 2014 follow increases in 2005, 2007, 2009, 2012 and every rate cycle since 1992.
Please join BASE in calling upon the North Carolina Commissioner of Insurance to resoundingly DENY the proposed insurance increase.
Written public comments will be accepted from Jan. 3 through Jan. 31. It is as simple as sending an email to and expressing your opposition to further increases.
DRAFT COMMENTS CAN BE FOUND BELOW. Just open the document, copy, paste and email your opposition to the Department of Insurance.
Several additional suggestions for comments:
-Ask the Commissioner to:
1) continue to publicly and privately ask that the insurance companies withdraw the filing and
2) NOT grant any homeowners insurance increases
-Use historical examples on your property: amount of increases in the past, number of claims made (if any), proactive storm measures you have installed at your property, etc.
For people who would like to weigh in on the rate requests in person, there will be a public comment session on Friday, Jan. 24, 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Jim Long Hearing Room of the Dobbs Building, 430 N. Salisbury St., Raleigh.
The Insurance Commissioner issued a strongly worded statement on the rate case filing:
“New homeowners insurance rates went into effect in July 2013. I am appalled that the insurance companies would request another increase just six months later. I believe the insurance companies should withdraw this rate filing immediately. If they do not, the insurance companies should expect a full hearing on this matter; I will not entertain any settlement negotiations. I urge North Carolina homeowners to take advantage of the public comment period and let their insurance companies know what they think about the notion of another homeowners insurance rate increase.
Also, I take offense at the insurance companies’ concerted efforts to file this request late on a Friday afternoon, when they think the public won’t be paying attention.”
The filing is available for public review on the Department of Insurance website. To view the entire 1187-page filing, CLICK HERE