Author Archive
12 Jun 2009
Pender County Redistricting Plan Becomes Law
The map below shows the current House Redistricting Plan as modified by House Bill 1621. That bill was ratified by the General Assembly on June 11, 2009, and became law as Session Law 2009-78. The bill amends the House Redistricting Plan only by changing districts 16 and 18 in Pender and New Hanover counties. The
11 Jun 2009
For the past several years, the North Carolina Department of Transportation has published the Minimum Construction Standards for Subdivision Roads. This reference manual is used by developers, engineering firms and others involved in constructing subdivisions and the resulting roads that are proposed to be added to the State’s maintained system of roads. The most recent
03 Jun 2009
Economic Recovery Workshop Friday June 5th
N.C. Office of Economic Recovery and Investment Workshop Friday June 5 North Carolina Governor Bev Perdue will hold one of the last of a series of workshops being held by the N.C. Office of Economic Recovery and Investment on Friday, June 5, 2009 at 10:00AM at the Burney Center at UNCW in Wilmington. These series
03 Jun 2009
BMP Manual Update
The North Carolina Department of Water Quality has updated Chapter 17 (Dry Extended Detention Basin) of the BMP Manual. To review this new update click here.
27 May 2009
2009 Crossover Bills
Attached is a list prepared by the legislative information systems division containing those measures that no later than May 14th 2009 passed one chamber and were received by or ordered sent to the other chamber. You may view the current status of these and other bills by clicking here.
13 May 2009
New Hanover / Pender Redistricting
House Bill 1621, which is intended to realign the districts in Pender and New Hanover Counties for the election of members of the North Carolina House of Representatives has been filed and passed second and third reading and referred to the Senate. This bill is in response to the recent U.S. Supreme Court Case Bartlett
05 May 2009
NCDWQ New Infiltration bypass policy
The North Carolina Department of Water Quality has posted a new policy document regarding bypass and overflow from infiltration devices. To read it, please visit You can also navigate to it from the Stormwater Permitting Unit homepage: or the BMP Manual & Forms page: This is a stand-alone document at the moment,
30 Apr 2009
Homeowners Insurance Increases will take effect
NC judge allows sharp homeowners insurance changes BY EMERY P. DALESIO AP Business Writer Posted: Wednesday, Apr. 29, 2009 RALEIGH, N.C. A Wake County judge has cleared the way for homeowners insurance rates to drop in nearly three dozen western North Carolina counties and soar along the coast starting Friday. Superior Court Judge Ronald Stephens
23 Apr 2009
Stewardship Development Awards Program
Calling all developers/builders of residential, commercial, or re-development projects!!!….The Stewardship Development Coalition is currently accepting applications for 2008. The Lower Cape Fear Stewardship Development Awards Program is currently accepting applications for all residential, commercial and re-development projects developed within New Hanover, Brunswick, and Pender Counties that are exemplary in their attempts to protect the natural
23 Apr 2009
State offers Public Hearing on Budget
The Appropriations Committee of the North Carolina House of Representatives will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, April 28, to receive comments about the state budget. The hearing will be held from 6-9 p.m. in the auditorium of the North Carolina Museum of History in Raleigh on Fayetteville Street. Ten community colleges across the state