For the past several years, the North Carolina Department of Transportation has published the Minimum Construction Standards for Subdivision Roads. This reference manual is used by developers, engineering firms and others involved in constructing subdivisions and the resulting roads that are proposed to be added to the State’s maintained system of roads. The most recent version of this document was published in January 2000 and includes minor updated information. Since the January 2000 publication, there have been changes within the Department of Transportation and the construction industry, as well as environmental regulations and construction methods and materials, which affect the content of this manual. An internal committee drafted a new version to be published this year. As part of the process, industry partners are invited to review the draft manual and provide comments.
Attached with this email you will find the latest draft version that is out for public comment. As a quick reference, proposed changes for the January 1, 2000 version are summarized and provided on the following 4 pages. The next 50 pages is a draft of the new version with changes high-lighted on each page. Comments provided to the North Carolina Department of Transportation by June 30, 2009 will be considered a part of the review process. A draft will then be presented to the Board of Transportation for final approval.
Comments can be received two ways either; via the following NCDOT Contact Us Web Link: https://apps.dot.state.nc.us/ContactUS/PostComment.aspx?Unit=subdivManDelbert or email them directly to Delbert Roddenberry at droddenberry@ncdot.gov