Author Archive
17 Mar 2011
Brunswick County Looking at Changes to their Improvement Guarantee Requirements
In response to the recent issues surrounding Improvement Guarantees and infrastructure issues the Brunswick County Commissioners are looking to make changes to the County’s improvement guarantees language. At this point the County’s Planning Staff has presented some potential changes to the commissioners and now is meeting with interested parties and stakeholders. BASE is one of
17 Mar 2011
Air Quality Challenges in New Hanover County
You may have seen New Hanover County Commissioner Rick Catlin discussing potential “nonattainment” in New Hanover County. Here’s what that would mean to you: The Clean Air Act requires that EPA set national air quality standards for certain pollutants. One of those pollutants is Sulfur Dioxide (S02). In June 2010, EPA strengthened the primary national
17 Mar 2011
Wilmington Downtown Preservation/Teardowns
The City of Wilmington is undertaking an ongoing CBD preservation/teardown ordinance discussion. This item was initially presented at the February Planning Commission meeting. At that meeting in February, BASE suggested that the Planning Commission hold a work session to understand the proposal prior to taking action. That work session was held and illustrated a number
17 Mar 2011
CFPUA Further Revises Vesting for Commercial Buildings
As you may recall, BASE worked for a number of months on vesting issues regarding commercial buildings which were permitted under the old New Hanover County water and sewer fee structure and were finishing their upfits under the new CFPUA fees. These buildings were permitted prior to July 1, 2008 when CFPUA became “live” and
17 Mar 2011
BASE Continues to Pursue Changes to Pump Station Capacity
As the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority has embarked on its Capital Improvement Program planning process, significant discussion has occurred on the importance of maintenance projects versus the importance of growth projects. One of the primary growth hurdles locally is the capacity available at the large number of area pump stations. One of the primary
10 Mar 2011
New Hanover County Zoning Ordinance Improvement Effort – Draft Revisions to Industrial Zoning District
From New Hanover County Planning: The New Hanover County Zoning Ordinance was adopted in 1969. Since that time, the County has experienced a tremendous influx of residents and grown immensely. While several changes have been made to the County’s Zoning Ordinance to incorporate new concepts in growth and development, the Ordinance has not been reviewed
21 Feb 2011
February CDC/LUC Meeting – Pender County Utilities Overview
Wilmington Cape Fear Home Builders Association Commercial Development Council- Land Use Council February Meeting (Wednesday Feb. 23rd) Commercial Development Council and Land Use Council members please join us Wednesday February 23rd at 10:30 am here at the WCFHBA offices (3801 Wrightsville Ave.) as Pender County Utilities Director Michael Mack, provides the two Councils with a
26 Jan 2011
Market Street Corridor Study
BASE has been working diligently over the past months to encourage our members to get engaged on the forthcoming Market Street Corridor Study which was recently completed by the Wilmington MPO, but is nearing adoption in both the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County. The study, which encompasses an 11 mile corridor, will impact
26 Jan 2011
Coastal Inlet Hazard Zones on Hold
Due to enormous political pressure, the Coastal Resources Commission has put an immediate hold on the proposed updated maps and rules for the new Coastal Inlet Hazard Zones. Division of Coastal Management staff has been working on updating the coastal erosion rates for some time and it was determined that the best course of action