Brunswick County Looking at Changes to their Improvement Guarantee Requirements

In response to the recent issues surrounding Improvement Guarantees and infrastructure issues the Brunswick County Commissioners are looking to make changes to the County’s improvement guarantees language.  At this point the County’s Planning Staff has presented some potential changes to the commissioners and now is meeting with interested parties and stakeholders.  BASE is one of the stakeholders.

Some of the more glaring issues that we see thus far are as follows:

  • Requirement that all off-site improvements with the exception of NCDOT improvements will have to be 100% installed.  This includes drainage, and water and sewer infrastructure.
  • 50% of the on-site improvements will have to be in place before you are able to post an improvement guarantee.
  • No reductions will be allowed of any amount in the Instrument of Financial Guarantee.
  • A 2 year expiration has been discussed as well.

Any changes or amendments will have to go back through the text amendment process, which will require planning board review and then back to the commissioners for approval.

Due to the serious nature of these changes towards our industry and our ability to move development projects forward in the future we have reached out to many of our Brunswick County folks.  We can not stress enough that if you have development projects currently or proposed, and have improvement guarantees in place or you may be considering one please review the attached .pdf particularly in light of the bulleted items above and send any relevant comments, suggestions that you may have via email to BASE Governmental Affairs Director Cameron Moore –

Subdivision Financial Guarantee Recommendations

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