New Hanover County Zoning Ordinance Improvement Effort – Draft Revisions to Industrial Zoning District

From New Hanover County Planning:

The New Hanover County Zoning Ordinance was adopted in 1969. Since that time, the County has experienced a tremendous influx of residents and grown immensely. While several changes have been made to the County’s Zoning Ordinance to incorporate new concepts in growth and development, the Ordinance has not been reviewed as a comprehensive effort since its creation. After more than 40 years, County staff has embarked on a Zoning Ordinance Improvement Effort in order to revisit the Ordinance and propose changes to create a document that more accurately reflects our community vision and addresses changing needs. Staff’s goal for this initiative is that it will assure that the Ordinance reflects the ideas of our citizens and policy makers while accommodating the latest development trends. When we are finished, we envision that the new Ordinance will be easier to use with simplified processes that address the needs of the community while preserving our fragile resources. Throughout the Zoning Ordinance Improvement Effort, community involvement will be vital to its success. It is our hope that you will provide feedback throughout this process, particularly on issues that are relevant to you.

At this time, County staff is proposing to make changes to the Industrial Zoning Districts, Section 56-57. Currently, areas of New Hanover County are designated specifically for industrial uses. Planning staff realize the importance of these districts in order to preserve land for industrial uses within the County. The industrial districts are zoned either I-1 Light Industrial (Section 56), or I-2 Heavy Industrial (Section 57). Staff has reviewed the current language in the Ordinance and is proposing new language to better define and locate industrial uses. In order to better define these areas, staff has proposed changes to the Table of Permitted Uses. While some industrial uses in the Table already require a Special Use Permit before that use may be established, staff is proposing changes to the table to require that additional uses be submitted to this level of review. In addition, staff is also proposing language to ensure that standards are in place to protect citizens and the environment from externalities that result from heavy industry.

County staff is requesting that you review the draft language (BELOW)  and provide input. Your input is very important and will be valuable as they finalize the language that will be proposed for a text amendment to the Zoning Ordinance. It is County staff’s goal to propose an Industrial Text Amendment at the April 7, 2011 Planning Board Meeting, so they are asking that you review and provide feedback no later than Monday, March 21. Please send all input and comments to Jane Daughtridge at .

County staff would also like to hold a meeting to share responses and further discuss ideas on Tuesday, March 15 at 10:00 at the New Hanover County Government Center. If you would like to attend this meeting and are able to accommodate this time, please reply back to Jane Daughtridge at . Jane will provide details about the meeting location once we have an idea of the number of people that will be attending.

If you have questions or specific concerns, please contact BASE Governmental Affairs Director Tyler Newman at 799-2611.

Industrial_Zoning_Districts DRAFT

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