Author Archive
09 Oct 2015
Court blocks Obama’s water rule nationwide
By Timothy Cama A federal court ruled Friday that President Obama’s regulation to protect small waterways from pollution cannot be enforced nationwide. In a 2-1 ruling, the Cincinnati-based Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit delivered a stinging defeat to Obama’s most ambitious effort to keep streams and wetlands clean, saying it looks likely that
02 Oct 2015
REMINDER: Waters of the U.S. Seminar October 5, 2015
Please join us from 9:00-11:00 am to hear from Craig Bromby and David Syster. BASE and the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce are proud to co-present “Waters of the U.S.: How will this rule impact you?” The rules went into effect August 28, 2015. Come hear firsthand from environmental and legal experts on the various
01 Oct 2015
Onslow Housing Summit
In August, the Onslow County Board of Commissioners scheduled a housing summit to address concerns of many homeowners questioning whether the area’s saturated housing market can recover previous years’ values. The forum consisted of speakers from Jacksonville, Richlands, Holly Ridge, North Topsail Beach, Swansboro, Camp Lejeune, Onslow County Planning and Development and Onslow County Attorney’s
01 Oct 2015
Brunswick and Pender Host Flood Map Meetings
The North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program (NCFMP) held a public meeting in August about the newly released flood hazard and flood risk data on the preliminary Flood Insurance Study (FIS) for the areas of Brunswick County. This meeting was hosted by Brunswick County and was regarding the recently updated FIS for portions of Brunswick County flood hazard
01 Oct 2015
Municipal Elections Reminder
We are now gearing up for municipal elections this fall. Since this is an odd-numbered year, the elections will feature Mayors and Town Council candidates across our region. Some candidates, such as Wilmington Mayor Bill Saffo, are running unopposed. Other races like Wilmington Council, Carolina Beach Mayor and Kure Beach Mayor promise to be
01 Oct 2015
2015 General Assembly Update
HB 44 Local Government Regulatory Reform 2015 contains several very important provisions to our industry. Contains a provision inserted by BASE that would not allow for local governments to insert a definition of dwelling unit, bedroom, or sleeping unit that is more expansive than any definition of the same. Meaning that the state Building Code
01 Oct 2015
2015-2016 Budget Approved and Signed by the Governor
The House and Senate approved a $21.735 billion budget agreement. There are many aspects to the budget but from Coastal standpoint there has been monies set aside for dredging our shallow draft and deep draft inlets. There is also a provision to allow up to 6 terminal groins that could be approved within the State. The
01 Oct 2015
Both New Hanover County and the City of Wilmington remain engaged in separate comprehensive planning initiatives, both of which will set the course for future growth and guide updates to development regulations. Thank you to those that have participated in the meetings with New Hanover County Planning and provided feedback. The Planning Board and County
30 Sep 2015
Minimum Design Criteria Workgroup
Over the past year BASE has been a part of the Minimum Design Criteria (MDC) subcommittee created from session law last year sponsored by Rep. Chris Millis. The committee was tasked to come up with language to allow fast-track permitting for stormwater that encompass siting, site preparation, design, construction, and maintenance of stormwater best management
30 Sep 2015
Two Major Transportation Initiatives-SC 31 Extension/Highway 74 Study
Two major transportation initiatives have seen forward momentum recently—both of which will have major impact in Brunswick County. SC31: The extension of SC31 into North Carolina has been a major discussion topic at the last few regional transportation planning meetings. Both North Carolina and South Carolina are committing to spend funds to complete the environmental