Brunswick and Pender Host Flood Map Meetings
The North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program (NCFMP) held a public meeting in August about the newly released flood hazard and flood risk data on the preliminary Flood Insurance Study (FIS) for the areas of Brunswick County. This meeting was hosted by Brunswick County and was regarding the recently updated FIS for portions of Brunswick County flood hazard areas that are affected by this new data. At this meeting residents and other stakeholders had the opportunity to review the revised data and ask questions of NCFPM staff. The meeting was conducted as an open house where citizens had the opportunity to view the preliminary flood hazard data from among a number of computers, and ask staff questions specific to the flood risk of their property.
In late September Pender county held two public meetings to discuss the preliminary changes to the county’s flood maps. In summary, Pender county residents will see a significant increase in buildings within the high-risk VE and AE classifications due to growth and development and better technology. The southern part of the coast will see base flood elevations going down meaning insurance rates going up. County and municipal employees were on hand to help residents locate their properties to determine their level of flood risk along with representatives from NC Emergency Management.