Author Archive
23 May 2014
Brunswick County Proposes Simple, Single Permitting Fee, Fewer Planning Fees
BOLIVIA, NC – Brunswick County’s proposed fiscal year 2014-15 budget includes a new building inspection fee schedule, intended to simplify the process for builders and help the county continue to move more of its building and permitting processes online, and fewer planning fees. The suggested fee schedule a rate based on the amount of gross
22 May 2014
2014 NCHBA Legislative Meeting
BASE traveled to Raleigh with local HBA members for the 2014 NCHBA legislative meetings June 20th-21st. Here are some pictures from the event. Sen. Thom Goolsby with BASE’s Tyler Newman and WCFHBA Directors Deans Hackney and Dave Thomas. Rep. Rick Catlin of New Hanover County and Rep. Chris Millis of Pender and Onslow Counties with
16 May 2014
Waters of the U.S. Update
On April 21st, NAHB Senior Vice President Susan Asmus sent a letter to the EPA and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on behalf of the association’s 140,00 members regarding the agencies’ new Waters of the United States proposal. In her letter, she asked for the comment period to be extended 90 days past the
16 May 2014
McIntyre Secures Extension for Expiring Carolina Beach Renourishment
WASHINGTON D.C. – U.S. Congressman Mike McIntyre announced today that Congress will authorize an extension of the Carolina Beach renourishment project through the Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2014. The fifty-year Carolina Beach renourishment project was set to expire this year, with no method for extension. The WRRDA bill authorizes a three-year extension of
14 May 2014
Oak Island Amends Ordinances to Cap Home Size
After extending its moratorium in April, Oak Island Town Council took action in May to move forward with ordinance changes. On May 13, Oak Island Town Council passed a motion to cap single-family residences at 5,000 square feet and seven bedrooms with one parking space required per bedroom. Council also directed staff to work with
14 May 2014
North Topsail Beach Moratorium Fails
On Wednesday, May 13, a Public Hearing of the North Topsail Beach Board of Aldermen was held to receive citizens’ comments on enacting a moratorium on building homes with more than six bedrooms.The hearing generated significant public comment, with BASE and the overwhelming majority of citizens present speaking in opposition of the proposal. The public
05 May 2014
HEADS UP – North Topsail Beach to Consider Moratorium on Houses with More Than 6 Bedrooms
On Wednesday, May 14 at 10 AM, North Topsail Beach Board of Aldermen will hold a public hearing regarding a proposed moratorium. The purpose of the Public Hearing is to receive citizens’ comments on a proposed moratorium for building any houses with more than six bedrooms. North Topsail Beach is headed in the footsteps of
29 Apr 2014
JUMPO Long Range Planning, Visioning Workshop May 13
The Jacksonville Urban Metropolitan Planning Organization (JUMPO) long range planning process is well underway and the next step is to hold a visioning workshop on May 13th from 5:30 to 7:00 PM at Jacksonville City Hall. The interactive workshop will include maps and exhibits, a short presentation, and a variety of activities designed to help