Author Archive
19 May 2010
CRC looks at Inlet Hazard Areas Again
The Division of Coastal Management staff will present the final report entitled “Inlet Hazard Area Boundaries Update: Recommendations to the North Carolina Coastal Resources Commission” today at the Coastal Resources Commission meeting in Beaufort. This final report, which thus far has met the muster of both the DCM and the Science Panel, contains boundary revisions
12 May 2010
Hazard Mitigation Credits on the Horizon?
After years of discussion, it appears that coastal homeowners who take voluntary, proactive steps to protect their homes from wind and storm damage may see mitigation credits applied toward their homeowners insurance policies. In May, the Department of Insurance released information regarding a pending mitigation credit program which was a result of last year’s coastal
10 May 2010
Home Star Bill Passes U.S. House
Home Star Energy Retrofit Act of 2010 (H.R. 5019) passed the U.S. House by a margin of 246-161 late last week. While the vote was primarily along party lines, 12 Republicans voted for the bill and 7 Democrats voted against it. North Carolina’s delegation voted along party lines with no defections from either party. H.R.
06 May 2010
Hampstead Bypass Slowly Moving Forward
NCDOT Narrows down Hwy 17 Bypass to 5 Possible Routes On Monday May 3rd NCDOT Division 3 Engineer Allen Pope updated the Pender County Board of Commissioners that the Hwy 17 Bypass Project around Hampstead has been whittled down from 18 corridors to 5. There are still a few more studies that need to be
06 May 2010
Pender County Comprehensive Parks and Recreation Master Plan
The 2010 Pender County Comprehensive Parks and Recreation Master Plan draft is now available for public review and comment until May 14, 2010. Please follow the following link to review the draft plan in PDF form: 2010 Pender County Comprehensive Parks and Recreation Master Plan draft Please submit all comments, questions, or concerns via email
06 May 2010
CFPUA Developer Agreements
At their meeting in April, the CFPUA Board approved ordinance language which will enable developer payback as future projects tie onto water and sewer infrastructure in New Hanover County. THANK YOU TO CFPUA BOARD MEMBERS FOR THEIR CONTINUED SUPPORT OF THIS INITIATIVE. It was a complicated and time-consuming process which BASE has been working on
03 May 2010
NCDOT Financial Picture
During the April 28th TAC meeting, NCDOT Chief Financial Officer Mark Foster provided a presentation on NCDOT’s Transportation Financing. Attached please find a copy of this presentation. NCDOTFinance101Mar2010
20 Apr 2010
First of Several Homeowners Insurance Cases Ruled on by N.C. Court of Appeals
In a 3-0 decision handed down on April 20, 2010, the NC Court of Appeals dismissed one of the three cases pending before the NC Court of Appeals regarding the 2008 homeowners insurance rate increases. This decision refers to case 09-701 which was heard by the Court of Appeals on January 14, 2010 by judges
20 Apr 2010
Gov. Bev. Perdue Releases State Budget
Gov. Bev. Perdue proposed a $19 billion state budget today that cuts nearly $1 billion in spending by eliminating an estimated 600 jobs, which are mostly vacant positions. At the same time Gov. Perdue’s budget plans to cutt spending 5 to 7 percent for departments outside of education. With the legislature convening on May 12th
06 Apr 2010
Legal Issues with Green Design and Construction Seminar
LEGAL ISSUES ASSOCIATED WITH GREEN DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS In concert with K&L Gates, the Wilmington-Cape Fear Home Builders Association is hosting an informative seminar on Green Construction Issues aimed at developers, contractors, building owners, architects, engineers, and suppliers with innovative green products on April 13th from 11:30 am till 1:00 pm at the UNCW