Town of Shallotte Planning Board Proposing UDO Text Amendments

The town of Shallotte Planning Board will be voting on text amendments to their Unified Development Ordinance at their next meeting on April 14, 2015.  Amendments of interest include:

-P&Z#15-001: UDO Text Amendment, Section 10-1, Table 10-2 Table of Permitted Uses:  Staff is seeking to modernize the list of current permitted uses.

-P&Z#15-015: UDO Text Amendment, Section 10-3 (H), Supplemental Use Standards for Multi-Family Development: This amendment would allow conceptual plans to be submitted to the Planning Board and Board of Alderman before site, landscape, and civil plans are submitted for approval.  Once the multi-family plan receives conceptual approval from the Board of Alderman, site, landscape, and civil plans must be submitted for Planning Board approval or Board of Alderman if the project requires extensive review.

-P&Z#15-016: UDO Text Amendment, Section 11-1, Table of Dimensional Standards: This amendment applies to rear setback requirements for the R-15 Residential district.  Currently the rear setback is 35 ft. and this amendment would reduce the setback to 25ft.

-P&Z#15-017: UDO Text Amendment, Section 20-6, Parking Requirements: Staff is recommending that maximum parking requirements for townhouses, duplexes, and multi-family dwellings be increased from 1.9 spaces to 2.5 spaces per development unit.


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