Author Archive
18 Feb 2015
City launches new map gallery
The City of Wilmington has launched a new program that provides user-friendly map-based information from the city’s website. Citizens can quickly and easily access information from six interactive maps. Read more
16 Feb 2015
School calendar debate likely to wait until after summer break
RALEIGH, N.C. — Wake County is among dozens of school districts pushing lawmakers to roll back a decade-old calendar law that keeps school officials from beginning the academic year before Aug. 25, but progress on any such bill is likely to be slow this year, if it comes at all. Read more
29 Jan 2015
New Hanover County: Planning Public Meetings on Future Land Use Map & Place Types
New Hanover County has released the DRAFT Future Land Use Plan Map and is in the process of holding public meetings to discuss. According to the County: “While the Future Land Use Map is not legally binding, it is intended to be a general representation of the vision of New Hanover County for the next
29 Jan 2015
Editorial – Costly loophole for homeowners
If freshman Sen. Michael Lee makes good on his stated intent to fix a state law that allows insurance companies to shake down homeowners for higher rates than the state allows, he’ll secure a legion of fans in the Cape Fear region. Folks near the coast already pay generally higher rates than their inland counterparts.
29 Jan 2015
NC bill would give more flexibility from school calendar law
Another battle is looming between the tourism industry and educators over giving North Carolina school systems more flexibility on when to start and end the school year. One of the first bills filed Wednesday in the General Assembly, House Bill 9, would restore the ability of the State Board of Education to give local school
22 Jan 2015
Sea-level rise policy top priority for coastal regulators
COASTAL N.C. | After political support eroded the first time around, North Carolina’s coastal regulators are again trying to develop a sea-level rise policy that can navigate the choppy waters between science and skepticism. Whether this latest attempt leads to the implementation of adaptation measures, such as limiting development in vulnerable coastal areas or increasing
13 Jan 2015
DENR announces leadership changes
RALEIGH – The N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources’ Secretary Donald R. van der Vaart announced today the appointment of Tom Reeder as assistant secretary for the environment and Mary Joan Pugh as interim assistant secretary for natural resources. Reeder succeeds Mitch Gillespie, who will serve as a department liaison in the Asheville regional