Author Archive
30 Jul 2009
The Beach Plan – The Real Story
“ByLine Wilmington” to focus on Beach Insurance Plan Sunday, August 2nd On August 2nd Tyler Newman, Governmental Affairs Director for BASE and John Gainey – Insurance Specialist, discussed the issue surrounding the Beach Plan and the nuts and bolts of HB 1305 and what’s likely to happen this legislation session on this issue with host
29 Jul 2009
DCM Sea Level Rise Survey
DCM Sea Level Rise Survey The NC Division of Coastal Management is interested in hearing your perceptions about sea level rise. We would greatly appreciate if you would spend a few minutes to complete an online survey at We are seeking responses from a diverse audience, and whatever your knowledge or belief about sea
24 Jul 2009
City of Wilmington Proposed Stormwater Ordinance
Below find the latest draft of the City of WIlmington stormwater ordinances scheduled to go to the Planning Commission on August 5. The items below include the clean draft as well as a strikethrough underline version showing how it has changed following review from the State. The changes you will find are resulting from one
21 Jul 2009
HB 1305 Heads to the Senate
HB 1305 Beach Plan Changes passed 2nd and 3rd reading in the House and now will head to the Senate. A floor amendment was offered by Rep. Pat McElrath (R-Carteret) on the House side that would have raised the cap on assessments from $1 Billion to $2 Billion. Unfortunately the amendment failed by a vote
10 Jul 2009
HB 1305 Coastal Insurance Moves to the House Floor
HB 1305 Coastal Insurance Moves to the House Floor After a contentious and long debate, with five amendments on the floor and heavy lobbying pressure from NC20 (represented by BASE), NC Home Builders Association, and the NC Association of Realtors the standing House Finance Committee favorably reported HB 1305 out of committee. The Bill will
01 Jul 2009
CBRA Zones Getting Revamped
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will conduct several virtual town hall meetings on the recently submitted Report to Congress: John H. Chafee Coastal Barrier Resources System Digital Mapping Pilot Projects. The USFWS is soliciting public input on the report and draft maps during a public comment period that closes on August 5, 2009. USFWS
01 Jul 2009
Coastal Homeowners Insurance Bill Passes Insurance Committee
House Bill 1305 Favorably Reported by the House Insurance Committee On Tuesday, June 30, the House Insurance Committee favorably passed House Bill 1305 (the omnibus Beach Plan “fix” bill) which will now move on to the House Finance Committee for review. The bill is an important step toward providing more stability in the finances of
29 Jun 2009
NCDWQ BMP Manual Update Reminder
This is a reminder that the infiltration policy document noticed on the website May 4, 2009 will start being implemented on Tuesday, June 30, 2009 (60 days from date of signature). This will be integrated into the appropriate chapter as the BMP Manual is updated. Also please note a wording error in the policy
29 Jun 2009
City of Wilmington TIA Reveiw Fee
At their meeting on June 16, 2009 the Wilmington City Council added a review fee for traffic impact analyses to the FY 2009-2010 fee schedule. On July 1, 2009, city staff will begin collecting $250 for initial TIA submissions and a $125 re-submittal fee. Please note that the review fees only apply to projects located
23 Jun 2009
NC Bans Text Messaging
North Carolina’s Legislature has banned text messaging by all drivers. The North Carolina anti-texting legislation was sent to Gov. Beverly Perdue and signed in to law on June 19th. The new law takes effect Dec. 1st. North Carolina will become the seventh state to pass a ban this year on texting while driving. A national