City of Wilmington Proposed Stormwater Ordinance
Below find the latest draft of the City of WIlmington stormwater ordinances scheduled to go to the Planning Commission on August 5. The items below include the clean draft as well as a strikethrough underline version showing how it has changed following review from the State. The changes you will find are resulting from one of the following:
- DWQ comments / requirements
- City Attorney revisions to Chapter 12
- minor changes for consistency
- adding definitions to Article 14
Your BASE staff has been working with City of Wilmington staff throughout the process to ensure consistency and predictability for the development community. We will be drafting additional comments on this latest (final) draft of the ordinance. If you have concerns or comments, please send them to by Wednesday July 29, 2009. As always, please give us a call at 799-2611 should immediate issues arise.
OBG-1-0809 ATT 2 StW CH 12 PC draft 07-17-09
LDC-1-0809 ATT 1- StW Art 14 III PC Draft 07-17-09
StW CH 12 STATE Draft revisions 07-15-09
StW Art 14 STATE Draft revisions 07-01-09