Wrightsville Beach Draft UDO Document Available
The Town of Wrightsville Beach has initiated the preparation of a Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). The UDO will combine the Town’s current zoning, subdivision, flood and stormwater ordinances into one land use regulatory ordinance. The resulting ordinance will be a unified development code with a more consistent, logical, integrated, and efficient means of controlling development. The UDO can provide greater predictability for all involved in the development process because it will be organized to track that process. The UDO will serve as a guide to citizens and developers aimed at walking applicants through the development review and approval process. Organizing the town’s regulations in this manner should provide all parties involved with a more effective administrative and regulatory process relating to land use issues.
Please visit www.townofwrightsvillebeachudo.com for a copy of the available sections of the draft UDO.
The Town is striving to encourage public participation in the UDO process and has enabled comments to be sent in via the website. Additionally, the next UDO Advisory Committee Meeting will be held Wednesday, July 27, 2011 at 5:00 pm at the Wrightsville Beach Municipal Building.