Wilmington, New Hanover Comprehensive Plans
Both the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County have embarked on separate comprehensive planning efforts. Both efforts will lead to the creation of comprehensive plans and necessitate changes to land development ordinances and zoning.
The New Hanover County Comprehensive Plan seeks to determine a vision for how the County should develop over the next twenty five years, and determines a plan for how to achieve this vision. Six individual themes have been established for the Comprehensive Plan and include; the Livable Built Environment, Harmony with Nature, Resilient Economy, Interwoven Equity, Healthy Community, and Responsible Regionalism. Citizen-led committees will review issues surrounding these themes, best management practices, and present policy recommendations to the Comprehensive Plan Policy Recommendation Committee. The plan will be completed by the summer of 2015. For more information on New Hanover’s Plan.
The City of Wilmington is also undergoing a comprehensive planning process which started in 2013. The interesting thing about the City’s plan is that it is built around accommodating growth. The City has created an informational website and portal for interested parties to share their thoughts on the future of Wilmington. You can access that site at www.createwilmington.com