Wilmington LDC Update
On Tuesday, City Council adopted the 2007 LDC clean-up. Part of this clean-up included revisions to the rezoning/conditional district rezoning/SUP application process. Starting with applications for the June 2008 Planning Commission agenda, applicants are now required to notify property owners within 100 feet of the subject site, not just adjacent property owners. The applications have been revised to reflect this change. Applications that do not include the expanded property owner information are incomplete and will not be accepted.
The entire strike-through/underline version of the 2007 LDC clean-up is available on the city’s website by clicking on “Land Development Code” on the lower left side of the home page, or directly from The staff-maintained PDF version of the code will be updated shortly.
If you have any questions about the new applications or other LDC changes, please feel free to contact one of the Governmental Affairs Directors.
City of Wilmington Rezoning Application
City of Wilmington SUP Application
Conditional District Rezoning Application