Wilmington Considers Oleander Transitional District

If you have property or investments along Oleander between Hugh MacRae Park and 51st Street, this information is important to you!

The city’s Future Land Use Plan (FLUP) identifies the portion of Oleander Drive between Pine Grove Drive and 51st Street as an area suitable for transition from single-family residential to commercial or higher-density residential uses. In order to appropriately prepare for the transition of these parcels, the FLUP calls for the development of a “transition zoning district” that provides more options for the appropriate intensity of development.

Planning staff has initiated the development of a new zoning district that would address the unique circumstances of the Oleander Drive transition area. The planning process has involved residents and property owners in the creation of zoning regulations that are appropriate for this area. The new district is intended to enable transition between residential and nonresidential areas and foster a pattern of mixed uses in this area.

After several months of meetings, the proposed district is moving through the planning process. The Planning Commission had a work session in July, heard the item at its August meeting and sent the item back for another work session in August. For more information on the district and to see a map of impacted parcels, go here http://www.wilmingtonnc.gov/development_services/plans_documents/current_projects/oleander_transition_district.aspx

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