US HWY 17 / NC 210 Public Open House

The final public meeting on the US Hwy 17/NC 210 Public Open House will occur on Thursday, May 12, 2011, 4:30-7:30 pm. The open house will be in the Topsail High School cafeteria. Drop by at any time.

Background:  US 17 currently functions as a 5-lane undivided facility from Washington Acres to Sloop Point Road in Pender County. It is classified as an arterial by the Wilmington Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and has a 2010 traffic count volume ranging from 40,000 to 45,000 vehicles per day. There are numerous driveway conflicts and outdated access management along this section of roadway, thus requiring an analysis and recommendations to improve safety and mobility in the corridor.

NC 210 currently functions as a 2-lane facility from US 17 to Island Creek Road in Pender County. It is classified as a collector road by the Wilmington MPO. It has a 2010 traffic count volume of about 7,500 vehicles per day. There are challenges and opportunities along this corridor. The Hampstead Bypass is planned to include an interchange at NC 210 that may significantly alter the land use patterns in this corridor.

US 17 traffic volume is projected to increase significantly in the future, increasing the travel demand through the study corridor. Projected traffic levels are expected to exceed the capacity of the existing road. The North Carolina Department of Transportation is currently completing a Feasibility Study (FS-0803B) on US 17 from the Wilmington Bypass to NC 50 in Onslow County. The feasibility study will evaluate the potential to widen US 17 in an effort to improve safety by converting five-lane cross-section to median-divided cross-section with partially controlled access and determine how the corridor fits into the NCDOT Strategic Highway Corridor initiative.

For more information on this project go to

Public Open House flyer

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