Sunset Beach Sets Community Kickoff Meeting for Land Use Plan Update

The Town of Sunset Beach is updating its Land Use Plan and invites the public to a Community Kickoff Meeting on Wednesday, September 30, 2015 from 1:00-4:30PM in the Heron Room at the Sea Trail Resort Convention Center; 75A Clubhouse Rd, Sunset Beach, NC 28468.

The intent of this meeting is to facilitate a discussion and receive feedback on community priorities. Please save this date so you can help us create a practical and inspiring Vision for Sunset Beach. Plan to bring all of your ideas for what you would like Sunset Beach to be like in the next five to ten years.

This facilitated session will capture and combine the preferences, hopes and dreams that each of us has for our community. The Land Use Plan is a critical component of establishing the future land use policies and guidance for the community.

As Sept. 30th approaches, the Town will distribute the meeting agenda which will include providing brief background about the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) planning process. The bulk of the meeting will be spent collecting and synthesizing your ideas for the future from everyone and prioritizing those ideas.

You may view the most recent version of the CAMA Land Use Plan at and clicking on the “Rule and Regulations” tab. Additionally, you may also pick up a hard copy of the current plan at the Planning and Inspections office. There is a fee for hard copies.

If you have further questions, comments, or ideas, please contact Rawls Howard, Director of Planning and Inspections for the Town of Sunset Beach at 910-579-0068 or
Rawls Howard, Director of Planning and Inspections for the Town of Sunset Beach, 910-579-0068

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