Sunset Beach: Capping Impervious at 30%?
The Sunset Beach Town Council will meet on Tuesday, April 15, 2014 for a scheduled Work Session. The Planning Board will be in attendance during the Work Session to discuss with Council their UDO Amendment recommendations that they presented to the Council during the April 7, 2014 Regular Meeting.
The UDO recommendations from the Planning Board include ADDING a 30% cap on impervious coverage on lots in the majority of town zoning districts: Mainland Business 1, Mainland Business 2, Beach Residential 1, Beach Residential 2, Beach Business 1, Manufactured Home 1, Manufactured Home 2, and Recreational-Institutional 1.
For a 4,500 square foot lot at the beach (BR2), the maximum footprint would now be 1,350 square feet. This would have an exceptionally negative impact on future investment in Sunset Beach. Interestingly, the changes proposed would also potentially impact existing residences in the town. For example, if a hurricane damaged an existing home in the BR2 zoning area “to an extent exceeding fifty percent (50%) of its reproducible value,” it could only be built back under the new square footage guidelines.
The proposed 30% cap would also apply to commercial zoned areas of the town and recreational-institutional uses like churches and government buildings.
Specific proposed language to be added to multiple zoning districts:
“Not more than 30% of total lot area may be covered by the main building, accessory structures, and impervious surfaces. This percentage may be exceeded with a solution approved by the Inspection Department. No landscaping using impervious materials such as solid plastic and vinyl will be permitted”
It should be noted that the town currently has a 30% cap on three zoning districts: Mainland Residential 1, Mainland Residential 2 and Mainland Multifamily Residential. The difference is that these lot sizes range from 10,000-40,000 square feet—not the 4,500 for beach lots. And not putting a significant obstacle in front of future commercial development in the town.