Strategic Transportation Investments (STI) update
The N.C. Department of Transportation today released the final scores for division and regional projects, based on criteria contained in the Strategic Mobility Formula, a project prioritization process established last year by the new Strategic Transportation Investments (STI) law . STI was created to make more efficient use of available funds, allowing for more local input and the ability to do more projects with limited dollars. These scores are not the final determination of which projects will be programmed, but will be considered along with other factors including completion of environmental and engineering plans and corridor spending caps to create the draft 10-year State Transportation Improvement Program.
Below is a listing of JUMPO projects that topped the list for each category. Additional analysis is needed to determine how authorization levels impact which projects will receive funding; however, these are the front-runners:
Regional (within top 25):
– Marine Boulevard/Gum Branch Road/Bell Fork Road – widen intersection
– OAJ – construct an aircraft holding apron
– NC 111 – extend from US 258/NC 24 to Gum Branch Road across the New River
– US 17 at NRAS main gate – construct interchange
– Western Boulevard (Marine Boulevard to Lejeune Boulevard) – construct access management improvements
– US 258/NC 24 (NC 53 to Pony Farm Road) – construct superstreet
– Lejeune Boulevard – construct access management improvements
– Western Boulevard at Jacksonville Parkway – widen intersection
Division (top 25 excluding Regional top 25):
– Trade Drive – construct new roadway behind Wal-Mart, between Western Boulevard and McDaniel Drive
– Gum Branch Road sidewalks – Marine Boulevard to Henderson Drive
– Jacksonville Parkway Extension – Western Boulevard to US 17
– Gum Branch Road – widen north of Summersill School Road
– Western Boulevard at Gum Branch Road – widen intersection
– Commerce Road – extend to Piney Green Road
– Henderson Drive (Gum Branch Road to Western Boulevard) – widen to four-lane divided
– Henderson Drive – extend from Western Boulevard to Jacksonville Parkway
– Jacksonville-Area Multi-Modal Transportation Center
The attached PDFs demonstrate how the Wilmington MPO’s projects fare in Prioritization 3.0 against each other and also the other projects in their competing Regional and Division tiers. The Wilmington MPO’s projects are highlighted in yellow.