Plan NHC Update: September 2014
Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC): Staff is pleased to announce the Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) held its first meeting on September 4th. The first meeting was designed to gather input from members on what they hoped to achieve during the CAC process as well as a brief report from each theme committee representative. The next meeting will be held on October 22 at the Executive Development Center from 11am to 1pm. All meetings are open to the public and interested individuals are encouraged to attend.
Community Meetings: In an effort to allocate sufficient time for the Citizens Advisory Committee, staff has changed the community meeting dates from this fall to after the beginning of the year. More information will be coming as dates are determined.
Phase II: Existing Conditions Report Completed: Staff is pleased to announce the existing conditions report of the Comprehensive Plan is completed. This document will serve the community as an excellent resource of demographic information about our community. Interesting facts on our population, land development, housing, transportation, economy, infrastructure and urban services, health, and the environment can all be found within this document. Please attend the Planning Board meeting on October 2nd at 6pm for the formal presentation and adoption.