Pender County Flood Hazard Rezoning
Several years ago Pender County implemented a new zoning district titled Flood Hazard Area (FA). This district mirrored the Flood Hazard Areas (FHAs) delineated on the (then) current Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs). Since then, the FHAs as delineated on the FIRMS have been revised by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) but the FA District lines did not get revised in concurrence. Becuase of this the Pender County Planning Department as initated a comprehensive zoning map revision which will eliminate the FA and FA_Dash zoning district and rezone most of the affected parcels to the most appropriate district. Also, staff is proposing an amendment which establishes a Flood Hazard Overlay District to replace the FA and FA_Dash zoning districts. The Flood Hazard Overlay District would be revised concurrently when the FEMA FIRM’s are revised. The Flood Damage Prevention ordinance is still in effect and would be referenced by the new Flood Hazard Overlay District. Below are all of the downloads that have been provided by staff at this point on this issue. If you have any questions please feel free to give the Governmental Affairs staff a call.
Address Log
memo to BOCC_county wide rezoning_FA issue
Flood Hazard Overlay District_draft1