Pender County Approves Mandatory Utilities Connection
Because of the increase in capital projects and the amount of debt that the county is currently taking on the Pender County Commissioners decided that it was in their best interest to approve a mandatory connection amendment. On Monday the Pender County Commissioners did just that by approving a text amendment that would require all new developments whether single family, residential or commercial to connect to the Pender County Utilities (PCU) water and/or sewer system if there is “service availability.” BASE has been involved with this issue since its inception and has provided relevant comments and suggestions where needed especially on the issuance of building permits and the associated bonding requirements. It should be noted that this connection amendment is very similar to what other local governments and utility authorities in our immediate area have on the books as well. Of note there are some limiting factors such as distance requirements, as well as exclusions for special circumstances.
If you would like to review the amendment in its entirety give Cameron Moore a call at (910) 799-2611.