Pender County Approves First UDO
On June 21st as part of an extensive planning process the Pender County Commissioners passed its first Unified Development Ordinance. BASE worked with Pender County’s planning staff for almost a year and half to bring forward an ordinance that is more in line with real world applications for both residential and commercial development. As adopted, the ordinance creates an environment that supports a pro-business/pro-growth attitude, balanced by a concern for preserving the natural assets and quality of life factors that make the area attractive to visitors and residents alike.
The ordinance is designed to develop and utilize innovative and flexible land planning techniques that once were not readily available to the development community. At the same time BASE worked in conjunction with the planning staff and the planning board to put changes in place that will now accommodate the development and appropriate placement of a variety of housing types including site-built homes, apartments, townhouses, garage apartments, accessory living units and manufactured homes.