Oak Island Moratorium Update: Planning Board Acts On Vacation Rental Ordinance, Does Not Recommend Residential Cap
An update on the ongoing Oak Island moratorium on 6+ bedroom houses:
In a meeting this past week which lasted nearly four hours, the Oak Island Planning Board met to consider a vacation rental ordinance and an ordinance which would cap residences at Oak Island at 5,000 square feet and 7 bedrooms.
BASE spoke during the public hearing, expressing significant concern with both items. The Planning Board modified the vacation rental ordinance, but recommended approval to the full Town Council. The Planning Board had no real discussion on the residential cap item and voted unanimously not to recommend approval.
BASE contends that the residential cap is actually a cap on future investment in the town and will have a negative impact on property values and force existing residents to continue to pay soaring water and sewer costs. Additionally, with stormwater impervious limits, setbacks, flood height requirements, town heigh requirements and other coastal regulations, the building envelope is already effectively bound in many cases.
Per the Town attorney, the vacation rental ordinance appears to be “plowing new ground in North Carolina.” It will only apply to new homes and new rentals, as of the effective date of the ordinance. How this gets implemented will certainly be an issue with houses being sold, moving from rental to non-rental, etc.
Next Wednesday, April 16 at 9 AM, a Special Meeting of the Oak Island Town Council has been called to discuss the following:
- Public Hearing to receive citizens’ comments on proposed ordinance amendments to establish three classes of Vacation Rental as a use and all the associated restrictions and regulations.
- Public Hearing to receive citizens’ comments on proposed ordinance amendments to cap residences at 5,000 square feet and seven bedrooms with one parking space required for each bedroom.
- Public Hearing to receive citizens’ comments on extending the moratorium on building of homes with more than six bedrooms.
- Council Consideration of items above
IF YOU HAVE INVESTMENTS IN OAK ISLAND, NOW IS THE TIME TO ACT. When we have an updated version of the vacation rental ordinance (as approved by the Planning Board) we will post it below. In the meantime, please contact Oak Island Town Council if you have concerns with this proposal.