NHC, Wilmington Comprehensive Plan Update
New Hanover County has announced that it will hold a public meeting on August 12th from 4-7 P.M. to receive citizen input regarding their comprehensive plan as set forth by the Plan NHC theme committees. Each of these committees has a different focus, includng the local economy, the environment, community health, equity of services and livelihood, and regionalism. The City of Wilmington will hold their regular steering committee meeting on August 19th from 4-6 P.M. to address their own comprehensive plan. The city’s plan will address long-range development policies that include utilities, housing, transportation, and other factors that affect the physical development of the city. You can learn more about New Hanover County’s comprehensive plan at planningdevelopment.nhcgov.com/plan-nhc/planningdevelopment.nhcgov.com/plan-nhc/ and Wilmington’s comprehensive plan at createwilmington.comcreatewilmington.com