NHC Tree Changes
At the August meeting of the New Hanover County Planning Board, County Planning staff presented a proposal that would amend the County’s tree protection ordinance by giving more “teeth” to enforcement mechanisms. Based on issues identified by BASE and concerns expressed by the Planning Board, the item was tabled for further consideration following a work session in late August.
Following the work session, staff presented NEWLY REVISED LANGUAGE that deviates from the orginal proposal by staff. This new language seeks to address the gap between forestry clearing and the tree preservation requirements once development permits are pulled. The new language DOES NOT change existing development requirements regarding landscaping and trees. This new language adds a “Tree Removal in General” section to the zoning ordinance, clarifies that the County has an interest in preserving significant/regulated trees and requires tree surveys and permits prior to tree removal (if not accompanied by a development proposal).
A clear exemption for residential lots less than an acre was also added. After comments from BASE, the Planning Board heard and passed this item on Thursday September 4th. This issue will be before the County Commissioners at their October 2nd meeting.