NHC Commissioners Approve New Zoning District
New Hanover Commissioners vote to enable Exceptional Design Zoning District (EDZD)
At their November 2, 2009 meeting, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners voted to create a new Exceptional Design Zoning District. This new District, proposed by County Staff, provides opportunities for mixed use or high density projects within the County and provides design flexibility, environmental conservation and diminishes the need for vehicular traffic. Most importantly, the new EDZD provides density bonuses for green and sustainable development and building practices. BASE spoke in favor of the creation of the EDZD, due to its incentivizing green development via increased density bonuses. The process is fairly comprehensive with a number of criteria that must be met, including final approval by the Board of Commissioners for projects that wish to rezone to EDZD. Commissioners voting in favor of EDZD were Jonathan Barfield, Bill Caster and Jason Thompson. We thank them for supporting our industry by incentivizing green development in our community. To learn more about this new district and the concepts that are captured in it click here.