New Wilmington Stormwater Forms Available
As some of you already know the City adopted a new Stormwater Management Ordinance that went into effect on Nov. 1 that not only reflects the Phase II requirements imposed by the State but it also incorporates the recently adopted Coastal Stormwater Regs. This was done in order to prevent a second revision to the Ordinance after the Phase II permit expires in 2012. As a brief recap, the new Ordinance has delegated the water quality review (previously performed through the NC DWQ regional office) to the City. Therefore, both the peak flow regs and the Phase II Water Quality regs will now be reviewed by the City of Wilmington.
As part of the implementation of the new ordinance the City has revised it’s Plan Review Fee Schedule, it’s Stormwater Management Permit Application, it’s Plan Review Checklist, and has added new Supplemental Forms, and individual BMP Checklists. Many of the forms should look very familiar because the City used the States forms as a template for its forms. This was for two reasons: to enable the transition to be as seemless as possible and to enable the State to feel comfortable with the permitting program when they audit the City.
Forms are now available for download at the City’s ftp site. Login information is provided below. The forms will only remain there for one week. They will also be available on the City’s website shortly.
username: public
password: public