New Subdivision? You May Want To Ensure Your Residents Are Getting Mail
If you have a new subdivision, you may want to doublecheck that your residents are getting their mail. Recently, an issue emerged in Raleigh regarding the US Postal Service and an unannounced policy switch requiring cluster mailboxes in new subdivisions. Instead of enabling delivery to individual homes, USPS has decided that “centralized delivery” is a more efficient way to provide mail service.
From WRAL (Click here for full story)
Historically, developers selected how mail would be delivered and then coordinated that with the Postal Service. But the agency took the decision out of developers’ hands two years ago, determining the most efficient type of delivery for new neighborhoods.
Developers were never notified of the change, said Tim Minton, executive vice president of the Home Builders Association of Raleigh-Wake County.
Cary planning officials said they learned of the new rules only last fall. By then, they said, plans for Holland Farm and other subdivisions had been approved and didn’t include any room for a cluster mailbox and associated parking.
In the meantime, below is a USPS Cluster Box builder/developer manual found online. This is from MN, but we expect that the document will be similar in North Carolina. Page 2 provides their reasoning, such as it is. We’re looking into the issue locally. If you or your residents run into issues in Southeastern North Carolina, let us know ASAP.