New DENR Rules Review Website
The DENR Rules Review website has been developed to assist in implementing the requirements under G.S. 150B-21.3A (Periodic Review of Existing Rules). As rules become available for public comment they will be available from the link below. A form will be available with instructions on how the public may submit comments. In addition, the public is encouraged to subscribe to the mailing list to receive notification as rules become available for public comment.
Public comment period is now open for the following rules under review pursuant to G.S. 150B-21.3A:
15A NCAC 02B – Surface Water and Wetland Standards
15A NCAC 02H – Procedures for Permits: Approvals
15A NCAC 02T – Waste Not Discharged to Surface Waters
15A NCAC 02U – Reclaimed Water
The comment period for these subchapters is: March 17, 2014 through May 21, 2014.
The public may provide comments by clicking this link: From here, a list of subchapters under review are available on the left. Each subchapter is linked to a table that lists each rule by citation number, name, whether the rule implements or conforms to Federal Regulation and the agency’s initial determination. Clicking on the rule citation number will take the user to the rule itself. Each row has a box that asks if the user agrees with the agency’s choice of category. Choose “yes” your comment will be recorded as agreeing. If you choose “no” a drop box will show other possible category choices for you to select. After choosing, you will be directed to a page that allows an opportunity to make a comment. In addition, there is another box allowing the user to make a public comment on the rule. An option to attach a document is also provided. Information regarding file size limitations are included. A public comment is defined as, a written comment objecting to the rule, in whole or in part, received by an agency from any member of the public, including an association or other organization representing the regulated community or other members of the public (G.S. 150B-21.3A(5)). In order for a comment to be considered by the Rules Review Commission, the comment must address the content of the rule. The user may provide an affiliation in the boxes provided, although it is not required. All comments submitted will be sent electronically to authorized staff.