NCDWQ Updates BMP Manual
NCDWQ Clarification: A typo has been identified in the revised Ch. 8 that was posted today. On page 8-9, under SW Rule Provisions, the maximum flow for an Engineered VFS should read 10 cfs; not 2 cfs. The typo will be fixed and reposted today. We apologize for any confusion.
The level spreader (LS) and vegetated filter strip (VFS) chapters (Ch. 8 & 13) have been significantly revised and combined into a single chapter (Ch.8). Please see the website to view/download the new chapter. Beginning May 10, 2010, all LS/VFS designs submitted shall be designed using this new chapter. The corresponding supplement form revisions are currently being finalized, and should be posted to the website in the next week or so. If you missed the previous emails, NCSU and DWQ are conducting 4 workshops for LS/VFS design during the month of March. Please visit the NCSU-BAE website for more information. As the BMP Manual is a “living” document, DWQ is always open to questions and constructive comments regarding this revised chapter and all others. Questions/Comments may be sent to Robert Patterson or any of the other Stormwater Permitting Unit staff.