NCDWQ Seeking Comment on Proprietary Systems
NCDWQ is seeking public comment on the draft revised Chapter 20: Proprietary Systems of the NCDENR Stormwater BMP (Best Management Practices) Manual.
A proprietary system is a manufactured device which treats stormwater before discharge to another BMP or to the receiving water. This is a broad category of BMPs with a variety pollutant removal mechanisms and varying pollutant removal efficiencies.
Many different proprietary devices, or manufactured BMPs, are available for the treatment of stormwater. Many, although not all, proprietary BMPs can be classified into two major groups: separation devices and filtration devices. Separation devices can be further subdivided into two types: chambered and hydrodynamic. In chambered BMPs, runoff passes through several chambers where settling of sediment particles and flotation of hydrocarbons takes place. Hydrodynamic devices typically impart a swirling motion to the incoming flow that aids in settling of sediment particles. Filtration BMPs typically pass runoff through filter cartridges or filter media, thereby removing some fraction of the solid pollutants from the stormwater.To view the revised Chapter, please see the following link on the DWQ events calendar: /journal_content/56_INSTANCE_y9Oq/38364/8320674
To provide any comments that you may have you may submit them via the form located at the following website:
All comments received prior to October 15, 2012 will be considered.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to give your BASE Governmental Affairs staff a call at (910) 799-2611 or by email at .