NCDOT Strategic Prioritization Process Results of Initial Rankings of Projects Now Available on NCDOT’s Website
Through the link below, you can view the results from the NCDOT prioritization process that will be presented across the state the week of February 22. These documents represent the results of an effort to rank transportation projects through a data driven process. The list includes highway and non-highway projects and is the first step toward developing the Draft State Transportation Improvement Program.
The rankings of projects that will be presented Feb. 22-24 are now available on NCDOT’s webpage at Please note that the projects are listed by Highway Projects and Non-Highway Projects. The projects are also listed by rankings across the State AND within NCDOT Divisions. A limited number of the listings by Division will be available as a handout at the forums in case you can not print them out now.
As a reminder, the Regional Forums will be held as follows:
February 22- Alamance Community College in the Auditorium-1:30 p.m.–3:30 p.m. The college is located just south of exit 150 on I-40/85 on the eastern edge of Alamance County. The Auditorium is at 1247 Jimmie Kerr Road, Graham, NC.
February 23 – Catawba Valley Community College in the Auditorium – 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. This is located just off Exit 126 of I-40 on Administrative Drive at 2550 Highway 70 SE in Hickory, NC. See attached map. The Auditorium is building No. 20.
February 24 – Global Trans-park Center Training Facility in the Auditorium (Room 142)–10:00 a.m.-Noon. This is located at the Trans-Park Center, 3800 Highway 58 North, Kinston, NC.