NCDOT Independence Boulevard Extension Website
NCDOT is proposing to extend existing Independence Boulevard near the Covil/Montgomery Avenue corridor from the intersection with Randall Parkway to U.S. 74 (Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway). Overpasses, intersection improvements, and interchanges will be considered at multiple locations along the project. Additional lanes along Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway may be needed for continuous connection with nearby interchanges at Kerr Avenue and 23rd Street. NCDOT will also consider improvements at two CSX railroad crossings.
This project is estimated to cost $58 million and begin with property acquisition in FY 2020.
The primary purpose of the proposed project is to improve regional mobility, congestion, connectivity within the city, and transportation system linkage from Randall Parkway, in the vicinity of Independence Boulevard, to Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway that is consistent with local and state transportation plans.
Below please find the NCDOT project website for Independence Boulevard extension.