NCDENR Hosts Stakeholder Meeting on Oct. 30th
The Department of Environment and Natural Resources, through its Division of Environmental Assistance and Outreach, will be hosting a Stakeholders Open House in Wilmington on Oct. 30th, 2012 from 3:00 p.m. till 6:00 p.m. The purpose of the meeting is to gather input on permit process improvements to create a more effective and high-quality environmental permitting program. If you would like to attend NCDENR asks that you RSVP online to attend. Directions and additional information about the event will be sent after you RSVP.
Your participation in these sessions will help us to understand your permitting priorities and ideas for process improvements so that we can best continue to meet customer needs in the face of economic shifts. We are also interested in hearing your suggestions about ways we can improve our regulatory programs so as to provide more relevant permit and compliance assistance. A survey is included with the on-line registration to help us identify topics of interest to you.
At the beginning of each Open House, staff will give a brief presentation on recent regulatory reforms, on recent customer service improvements based on the results of the listening sessions and surveys in 2011, and on upcoming e-permitting plans.