Leland Undertakes Multiple Land Use Initiatives
The Town of Leland has been busy lately, opening a new Town Hall, hiring their own Economic Development staffer…and proposing a number of new land use changes which will impact your business. BASE attended the June Planning Board meeting to formally oppose a number of text amendments proposed by staff.
These included:
Transportation Impact Analysis: creating a new section in Chapter 30 of the Ordinance that will require a Transportation Impact Analysis for a map amendment, planned unit development, site plan, or subdivision. (or “Any development or redevelopment, regardless of the expected trip generation levels, when the Town determines there are or may be current traffic problems in the area” )
Definition Clustered Parking & In Street Parking Requirements: As part of their assignment to address parking issues within the Town, the Town’s Code Re-Write Committee worked to develop requirements the following requirements in regard to on-street parking. This amendment creates a definition of clustered parking (a parking facility) and says that “All subdivisions shall provide on street or clustered parking, in addition to the required off street parking, at the ratio of one (1) space per one (1) lots” YES, that means you have to put in parking lots in residential subdivisions.
Definition of “lot”: Changing the definition of “lot” to require it to abut a public street. (That means all the existing lots in Leland on private streets would be non-conforming.)
BASE will be monitoring these issues as they continue to move through the process of approval by the Planning Board and Town Council.