Inlet Hazard Zones Creating Debate

Coastal Inlet Hazard Zone maps are creating debate once again within the region amongst property owners, the N.C. Coastal Resources Commission (CRC) and the Division of Coastal Management (DCM).  The CRC met on September 15-17 where DCM staff presented suggested amendments to the state’s inlet hazard area boundaries, along with options for revising development rules in these areas.  The problem!  It seems that many if not all of the proposed zones expanded quite extensively, and with it the proposed development rules that follow.  Currently in the IHZ rules no commercial or multi-family (4 units or greater) greater than 5,000 sq. ft can be built, and there is no limit placed on single family structures.  With the proposed rules no structures greater than 10,000 sq. ft could be built.  There are some grandfathering provisions as well for structures over 10,000 sq. ft. but only if those structures can meet the current setbacks.  Needless to say many of the representatives from the beach towns asked numerous questions in regards to the expanded zones, and it was clear that many were not very happy with them.

At this point the DCM staff was tasked by the CRC to go out and meet with affect stakeholders in the beach communities.  As always your BASE Governmental Affairs staff will continue to monitor this evolving situation.  In the interim you may want to download the presentation below that outlines the proposed boundaries that was presented by DCM staff.

Inlet hazard AEC (Sept2010)

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