New Rules For “Waters of the United States”
On Monday April 21, the US Environmental Protection Agency and Army Corps of Engineers formally proposed rules that would amend the definition of “waters of the United States.” The proposed changes will have a significant impact on land across the United States, but especially in Southeastern North Carolina. To see the proposed rules,!docketDetail;D=EPA-HQ-OW-2011-0880
Among other changes, the proposed rules say that a “wetland” only has to meet 1 of three criteria (soils, hydrology, vegetation) vs currently having to meet all three. It also adds a class of waters of the US called “other waters” which can include non-wetlands. Our concern is that this one-two punch will significantly impact major areas of southeastern NC
Based on the graphic above, your projects and investments will face significant impacts under the proposed rules. With the proposed rules out for public comment until July 21, 2014, BASE would HIGHLY RECOMMEND a quick, free webinar found online at
After watching the webinar and reading the rules, give BASE a call to discuss your specific, local examples of how the proposed rules will negatively impact your projects and investments.