H2GO Approves Fee Reductions
On Tuesday Nov. 17th the Brunswick Regional Water and Sewer (H2GO) Board of Commissioners approved a new fee schedule that offers a significant savings to the building and development industry. The new fee schedule will take effect Tuesday December 1st for all applicants.
Listed below is just a few of the highlights in the new fee schedule.
The current sewer impact fees for residential and commercial structures are $3,000 dollars each per REU. Under the new schedule the impact fees for residential will be reduced to $2100 dollars per house, regardless of how many rooms and for commercial structures it will be reduced to $2,100 dollars per 360 gallons.
There are other significant savings as well based upon the new schedule. Water capital recovery fees are currently $600 dollars per REU. Based upon the new fee schedule these fees have been reduced to $300 dollars per house. All in all almost every fee that is listed in the fee schedule that pertains to residential and commercial development has been adjusted in some form or fashion. Bear in mind that this new schedule will not go into effect until December 1st.
BASE would like to note that this policy comes at a time when our industry is facing major obstacles with financing in this economic downturn. The approval of this new fee schedule shows that the Board of Commissioners for H2GO are doing their part to help stimulate the local Brunswick County economy.