25 Mar 2014
Grand Strand Transportation Study Drafts Available–Includes Areas of Brunswick County
The Grand Strand Area Transportation Study (GSATS) has made drafts of the 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) available for review and comment.
In 2013, the GSATS study area was expanded to include a portion of southern Brunswick County in North Carolina.
The GSATS’ LRTP is a twenty-five year plan that identifies and prioritizes transportation strategies within the Myrtle Beach-Socastee SC/NC urbanized area and the area anticipated to be urban by 2035. The UPWP identifies the annual transportation planning activities of GSATS.
A series of meetings will be held on March 27, April 15, and April 21, 2014 to allow the public an opportunity to provide input. Comments received before April 21, 2014 will be presented to the Policy Committee.