General Assembly Winding Down?
At press time, the legislative calendar was rapidly winding down. The waning days of session bring a flurry of bills, several of which are very important to BASE. Understanding the impact of the USPS issue, BASE staff crafted legislation to proactively fix an issue with DENR stormwater permits in subdivisions forced to install concrete pads for centralized mailboxes.
Two bills of note which BASE will be advocating for before session adjourns:
· S38 – Amend Environmental Laws 2014 : contains a number of provisions, including sections on Isolated Wetlands, USPS Cluster Box Units/No Stormwater Permit Modification Required
· S734 – Regulatory Reform Act of 2014 : contains a number of provisions, including sections on Protest Petitions, Corridor Maps, Building Inspections, Local Government Design/Aesthetic Controls