CRC’s Setback Rules Objected To
As reported the Rules Review Commission (RRC) approved the CRC’s setback rules however by 5:00 pm November 21st thirty seven written objection letters were received by the RRC. As per the Administrative Procudures Act (APA, GS 150B-21.3), ten or more letters specifically objecting to the rules and requesting legislative review requires the said rule(s) to be reviewed by the General Assembly during their next regular session, which begins on January 28th, 2009. If the General Assembley does not introduce a bill that specifically disapproves the rule(s) under review in the first 30 days of the session, the rules become effective on the earlier of the 31st legislative day ot the day of adjournment of the next regular session of the General Assembly that begins at least 25 days after the date the RRC approved the rule(s). If a bill that specifically diapproves the rule(s) is introduced in either house of the General Assembley before the 31st legislative day of that session, the rule(s) become(s) effective on the earlier of either the day an unfavorable final action is taken on the bill or the day that session of the General Assembly adjourns without ratifying a bill that specifically disapproves the rule(s). The Governor may, by executive order, make effective a permanent rule approved by the RRC where the effective date has been delayed in accordance with the APA upon finding that it is necessary the rule(s) become(s) effective in order to protect public health, safety, or welfare.