30 Sep 2014
Comprehensive Transportation Plan Public Meeting
NCDOT and Pender County will hold a public meeting to request input on the draft Pender County Comprehensive Transportation Plan, that primarily covers areas of Pender County West of US HWY 17 and North of NC HWY 210, including all Pender County’s Municipalities. The meeting will be held on October 7, 2014 from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm at 805 South Walker Street, Burgaw. The public is invited to drop-in at any time within the timeframe referenced. Written comments on the draft Plan will be accepted for 30-days beginning October 6, 2014 and may be submitted via email or may be delivered to the Pender County Planning Department or mailed to PO Box 1519, Burgaw, NC 28425. For more information please call (910) 259-1202 or visit the NCDOT website.