At the October and December Coastal Resources Commission meetings, DCM Staff presented proposed amendments to the 7B CAMA Land Use Planning Requirements and 7L Local Planning and Management Grants. The draft language was the result of comments and input gathered at two regional workshops held during the previous year in which input on the CAMA Land Use Planning Program was requested from local elected officials, local planning staff, consultants, and other interested stakeholders. The intent of the rewrite of the 7B Land Use Planning Requirements is to increase flexibility for plan content and format, clarify that updates and amendments are voluntary, develop options for CAMA Major Permit Review, streamline plan approval, amendment, and update processes, integrate planning efforts, and improve the Technical Manual.
As outlined, the proposed amendments address the following major themes:
• Significantly reduce the regulatory burden on local governments while maintaining coastal management standards for local planning activities;
• Shift emphasis toward local government directed policy and implementation in support of coastal management goals and objectives while reducing data and analysis requirements;
• Institute shorter timelines for state review and certification to speed up the land use plan and amendment review process; and
• Delegate land use plan and amendment certification authority to the Division, reducing the need for CRC involvement while maintaining CRC oversight and standard-setting roles.
DCM Staff distributed draft language and solicited comments on the proposed amendments in early October 2014. Local government officials, planners, and all participants at the Land Use Planning Workshops were asked to submit comments.
At the December CRC meeting, DCM staff formally recommended that the draft language be approved for public hearing. Staff will then prepare the required fiscal analysis for review at the February 2015 CRC meeting. BASE will continue to monitor this effort as it moves forward in the coming year.