Coastal Habitat Protection Plan Getting an Update
As part of the five year review of the Coastal Habitat Protection Plan (CHPP), the CHPP Steering Committee has met over the past several months to update and revise the CHPP. These revisions reflect changes in the CHPP recommendations as the result of accomplishments, new information based on scientific studies as well as additional emphasis on issues such as sea level rise, climate change, invasive species and endocrine-disrupting chemicals. The goals and revisions are designed to achieve the CHPP’s goal of “long-term enhancement of coastal fisheries associated with each coastal habitat.” The six fish habitats identified in the CHPP are: Water Column, Wetlands, Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV), Shell Bottom, Hard Bottom and Soft Bottom. The draft CHPP is now available for public review and comment through August 1, 2010. To view a complete copy of the proposed changes go to