Cape Fear Public Utility Authority Strategic Plan
The Cape Fear Public Utility Authority held its regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, February 10, 2010.
The Board received the following reports from staff:
-Update on the 1995 and 1998 Annexation Area service extension
-Update on Reclaimed Water Use on the state level and possibilities for the Authority to use reclaimed water at some point in the future.
The Authority approved its Strategic Plan, a copy of which is available below. The Board also authorized a contract amendment for professional services on the Northern School site pump station project.
MOST CRITICALLY, by a 9-1 vote, the Authority voted to continue cash-flow funding of capital projects and directed staff to prepare the Fiscal Year 2011 budget with sufficient estimated operating revenues to produce a 1.2 debt coverage ratio, in anticipation of bond issuance in FY 2012.